Sunday, September 29, 2019

I May Be Crazy

I had always planned on Breeding Kenya on her next heat cycle - especially since she only had the one puppy the last time I bred her - knowing that my best chances of possibly having a decent size litter was to do a back to back breeding.  Little did I know that Vegas decided that she was going to come into season at the exact same time or actually a few days before Kenya.

The decision to breed Vegas did not come lightly, she has been winning and is currently the #2 Bitch in both Breed and All Breed points in the country.  However, I feel that it is always best to breed girls early since it better for them to have puppies younger in life rather than later.  Taking her out of the running of Top 20 to do this breeding was hard to do, but feel that it is the right decision to do.   

Finding the right boy to breed to was also not an easy choice either.  Vegas is an amazing girl and I usually try to find a boy that can improve on my girls faults.  Vegas doesn't have many faults and finding a boy that could fix those faults was not easy.  At the National Specialty I watched the boys with an eagle eye and made notes, asked to go over dogs and when I met Cuervo, I knew my decision had been made.  He is a beautiful boy, moves with ease and has a beautiful front but most of all his temperament is one of the best I have been around.  If nothing else we will have the sweetest puppies on the planet between the two of them.

Bobbi Kinley-Blewett was more than supportive and has let Cuervo come to the Pacific Northwest so that we can make this breeding happen.  Cuervo has fit in well and we bred the two of them on the 13th, 14th and 15th of September.  I will know Mid October if it took and if so puppies would be born on the 15th of November.

Right after Vegas came into season, I noticed Dallas doing the teeth chattering thing.  I checked Kenya and sure enough she was in season as well.  I thought she would come in late October, early November.  No, she came a week later.  I took her in for her first progesterone on day 6 thinking that she would be at 1.6 or some other low number, nope - she was at 12!  We did the breeding that night and the next three nights, I don't know when she ovulated but anticipate that if she is pregnant she will be having puppies on the 18-19th of November.

So, I am either going to go crazy or  be very sleep deprived if they are both pregnant and have puppies just a few days apart.

I had only hoped that Vegas would wait to have her puppies until after I return home from Morocco on the 11th of November.  She obliged so lots of work to do before I leave to escort my group to Morocco as I hope to have everything ready before I leave.

Stay tuned for more news and please keep all of your fingers and toes crossed that the girls are pregnant