Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Three and a half inches

Two Weeks ago my good friend Mary who breeds Rough Collies told me that I needed to measure Ivie's belly and keep track of it for fun.  So I did, except I forgot where I wrote down the numbers...but if my memory serves me correct the middle of her waste was 33 inches - tonight it is 36 1/2 inches so she is definitely starting to look like a pregnant girl.  I think I will try and measure it every 4 days just to see how she is growing, this time I am writing the numbers on the kitchen calendar so I know where they are.

1 comment:

  1. Susan, David and I sure are enjoying reading your Ivie blog and getting to know both of you better. We're sending hugs and belly rubs to "Queen Ivie". So funny that she thinks you're starving her.....obviously she is HUNGRY and taking care of those babies. :-) Kay Lynn
