Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Rough Day

The puppies are doing awesome, they are growing by leaps and bounds despite the fact that Ivie doesn't have enough milk for all of them.  As of tonight 5 of them have weighed in at over 2 pounds, Blue, White, Red, Lime and Pink.

This morning Ivie seemed really tired and lethargic and just didn't seem to have the energy to look after her pups.  She wanted outside so I opened the door and it was a decent enough day that I could leave it open for her to come back in when she wanted without freezing in the process.  I closed the gate to the puppy room and decided to take a nap and boy o boy did I take a Nap.  I was awakened from a dead sleep to Frodo barking his fool head off.  For those of you that have not heard Frodo bark, he could wake the dead. He has one of those Barks that is just piercing and resonates in his belly.  Anyway, it took me a few minutes to realize why I was awake and found that Anita was bringing Brandy back from their Nose Work class.  When I went out to meet them, I saw Ivie still outside just kind of laying in the grass.  I was thinking this is not like her.  I was surprised that she hadn't gone in to check on her pups and really wasn't interested in the fact that we had a visitor.  I made up some food and took it out to her and she didn't even want to get up to eat...now I really new something wasn't right.  Took her temp and it was high 103.2 so another call to the Vets office and off we went.

Christina is not sure why she is lethargic or why she has a temp.  We checked her for Mastitis and she pushed and prodded on her uterus to see if she could feel anything and said that if it hurt, Ivie should have shown her some sign that it hurt.  Ran some blood work and a Calcium count and all are within normal ranges.  Her discharge is not looking that great and she took a culture to see if she could see anything, again, nothing out of the norm.  Brought her home and will take her temp again tonight and tomorrow morning, but she is still acting like she doesn't feel well.  At least she is drinking plenty of water and eating some so those are good signs.  So please everyone send healing thoughts to Ivie so she can be back to her normal self soon.  I am hoping that she is just having an off day and all will be right again in the morning.


  1. Sending our prayers your way. How about some presumptive antibiotics for that fever?

  2. Love and hugs to Ivie. Hopefully she is feeling better today. Sending good vibes, positive thoughts, and strength to You, Susan!

  3. I've been "down on the Refuge" for the past couple days, so I was behind in the last couple blogs....maybe I'm glad as I would have worried all day about Ivie had I known. So sorry that she had a rough day (and you did too, Susan), but it sounds as if she's doing better today. We're sending our best wishes that Ivie will be ALL better and stay that way. Poor girl....she's had a lot the last week. Extra hugs and gentle belly rubs to Miss Ivie. :-) Love, Kay Lynn and David

  4. I've been "down on the Refuge" for the past couple days, so I was behind in the last couple blogs....maybe I'm glad as I would have worried all day about Ivie had I known. So sorry that she had a rough day (and you did too, Susan), but it sounds as if she's doing better today. We're sending our best wishes that Ivie will be ALL better and stay that way. Poor girl....she's had a lot the last week. Extra hugs and gentle belly rubs to Miss Ivie. :-) Love, Kay Lynn and David
