Gosh where does the time go? This has been a very busy week for me, between work and visitors coming up to see the puppies so I am sorry I haven't posted this week.
They are getting quite large, the biggest is Purple boy weighing 14 lbs 4 ounces this morning and the smallest is Lime Girl at 10 lbs 4 ounces and the others are all spread out pretty evenly between them. Hot Pink Girl is close behind purple though - she does not miss a meal and weighs 14 lbs and Black boy is slacking off at 13 lbs 14 ounces.
Today is a big day - The puppies will be temperament tested this evening and my good friend Linda Dalton is coming up to help me with it along with 3 other puppy homes. I normally don't have puppy people watch the temperament test as it can sometimes surprise people on how the puppy's act. But two of these gals have been around these tests before and one person has been so great to come and help me when needed and she has some specific things she is looking for in her puppy so I want her to be able to watch as well.
I don't think we will try and take pictures today since I don't want to tire them out before the test so hopefully I can get those done tomorrow.
The puppies are very active they love running and playing in the agility tunnel and the other day I have never laughed so hard. I let Dallas my two year old show dog come and be in the yard with the puppies. He was so excited and happy and would go to one end of the tunnel , crouch down with his butt up in the air and the puppies in the tunnel would bark at him and he would bounce from side to side. Then he would run to the other end of the tunnel and you could hear the puppies running through the tunnel and they would bark at him at the other end and he would bounce and play bow at that end. This went on for quite some time and it was so fun to see them all run and play with him. At one point he and Ivie were rolled over on their backs and each had 4 or 5 puppies on top of their bellies. Of course the ones on Dallas were looking for the milk bar but he didn't seem to mind at all.
They are still nursing on mom, although she is starting to wean them and every once in a while gets after them and lets them know that they have had enough and she is not going to put up with them trying to nurse on her. They are eating 3 times a day - first thing in the morning, which seems to be getting earlier and earlier each day, this morning was around 5:30am, 1pm and 8pm and we are up to 8 cups of puppy food soaked in water for the 10 puppies at each meal. Sometimes they polish it all off and other times they leave some for mom to clean up, which she happily obliges.
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