Friday, April 6, 2018

1 Week Birthday

Gosh hard to believe a week has already gone by.  The puppies are all doing great, gaining weight, getting fat and are very content and happy babies.  Mom has lot's of milk and they are basically thriving.  I am starting to see black pigment on the noses and red boy has been trying to stand up and walk rather than doing what I like to call the boot, scoot & boogie, he was doing that when the others were sleeping for the picture above.

As of this morning  - little miss lime girl is the biggest, weighing 1 lb 14 ounces so she is practically knocking on the two pound door.  Red & Green, Pink & Yellow are 1 lb 12 ounces and Blue boy is 1 lb 8 ounces.  He is always happily sleeping when the Milk Wagon comes in and I have to wake him up and put him on the best nipple.  He has been steadily gaining so I am not concerned about his weight at all.

It is interesting watching the puppies when Nevada comes into the box, they can all be sound asleep and pretty soon you can see their noses start to twitch, heads lift and then it is off to the races, they scurry around scooting here and there trying to find her.  Someone always seems to get lost and starts crying and screaming bloody murder that they cannot find their next meal and I have to rescue them and then they are all happy.

Life is otherwise good, Nevada is still being picky at eating, but she is at least acting like I am not trying to poison her with each meal.  French toast is her favorite so far, but yesterday she had some raw turkey, raw cut up chuck roast, some stella and chewys dehydrated raw duck, goats milk, vanilla ice cream  and two sliders.  Yes she is spoiled and pretty soon she is going to have to not be hand fed, but I am hoping we are making headway.

I am hoping I will have a helper come and take one week pictures today, if not we will get them tomorrow for sure.

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