Well Vegas has outdone herself. She was so tired and ready for them to come out. She was the best patient and happy with anything my vet did in the process of getting ready.
I am glad I listened to my instincts, the largest boy was stuck in the birthing canal and could not move in either direction. My vet had a heck of a time getting him dislodged and of course there were two others in the birthing canal right behind him that were also ready to come out. One of those little girls took a long time to get revived and we never really did get her to squeek in the vets office, but now that we are home, she has found her voice and it is a loud one, LOL!
Within 30 minutes of putting her under, all babies were out - my excellent team of helpers rubbed and dried and help to revive and get the babies going. Because the three puppies were stuck my vet had to make another incision to get them out and it took a long time to sew Vegas up properly. She was very groggy for a long time and three hours after we walked in, we all left for home.
With some calcium in her system she has now taken to her puppies, milk still hasn't come in, but I am supplementing what she has and after going though every baby bottle in the house, I think I have found one that seems to be working for everyone, well almost everyone.
We have 6 boys and 4 girls, the smallest is red girl weighing 1 pound 2 ounces and the largest is green boy weighing 1 pound 8 ounces. Overall Vegas was carrying 13.2 pounds of puppies around, no matter she was ready to be done with it.
My housesitter came back to the house with me and has offered to stay until we get this all down, Thank God for her. After we got everyone settled, she let me take a four hour nap since I have been operating on not much sleep. Now I have the late shift and she is sleeping. We will rotate and get our routine down and I figure about the time that has happened, Kenya will have her babies and we will have to figure it all over again.
Kenya was quite beside herself that there were babies in the house, she was sure they should be hers, she checked her whelping box when she heard them and has not been happy with me for putting her outside for a little bit. I want to give Vegas time to realize these are her babies before allowing Kenya to see them and I have a little gate system set up between the two rooms so that Kenya can get to her box without seeing Vegas in hers.
Goodnight and I will try and get some pictures up tomorrow for you.
Congratulations! 10 puppies - wow! Great job to the team getting them all into the world - and of course great job Vegas!