In more ways than one - Vegas' babies eyes are opening and I think we have turned the corner with Lady Bug!
I was talking with a good friend of mine in town who is a Golden Breeder, she assisted reviving puppies during both C Sections and wanted to check on me and the babies and see how everyone was doing. I told her what was happening with Lady Bug and she said, I am going to bring over my magic formula for her which she did. We Tubed 9 cc's into her in the afternoon and between that and the sub Q fluids I had given her an hour before the formula, she seemed to be making progress.
I went to bed after she left around 8pm and Larena didn't wake me up until 4am, OMG, sleep is a beautiful thing. She said that Lady Bug nursed on mom and she took a bottle from Larena with the magic formula all through the night and she was actually getting herself from the heating pad to mom to nurse. Oh Happy Dance. I just tubed her again so she doesn't fall backwards and we know how much she is getting and just checked on her, she is actually kneading the whelping pad as she sleeps so I think she may have turned the corner and I am hopeful that she will have gained some weight when I do morning weigh in at 8am.
Mint girl is also getting stronger and she can actually turn herself over when she gets on her back now, so that is also a good sign.
And over in the other Whelping Box we have eyeballs poking through little slits! It is about to be a grand new world for these babies, a couple of the boys hit the three pound mark last night and they are all fat and happy babies. Terri could not believe how big they were when she came by the house last night. They certainly fit the image of rolly polly, fat and happy babies.
Life is good, I have had almost 8 hours of sleep and all babies are starting to thrive and do well, I do believe it is going to be a wonderful Thanksgiving at Casa Lavender Hill - oh wait - that's tomorrow.
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