9am on my second cup of coffee and trying to motivate myself to clean the puppy pens and take a shower, yep my life has truly gone to the dogs, so far this morning I have been peed on, pooped on, but have not had anyone throw up on me and of course have been kissed numerous times by puppy tongues, so who doesn't want to start their day like that.
The puppies all slept through the night - whoo hoo! Of course I fed them at midnight but didn't hear the first peep until about 7:30 this morning. Then it was a mad rush to warm up a bottle for Kenya's pups. Vegas went in and fed her babies while I worked on making their mush. Kenya and I went back and she started to feed her babies while I let mint girl nurse on a bottle. Then both girls were done nursing and wanted their breakfast. Of course as I am nursing Mint, Dallas had to poke his head in the door about 28 times to see if I knew he was there and to let me know it was past breakfast time and just in case I didn't see him the last time he kept poking his head in the door with that look of I am starving, I haven't eaten in hours, can you not see that I am wasting away to nothing here.
Vegas polished off her breakfast in no time and was ever so hopeful that Kenya would leave her a morsel. Sorry Vegas no leftovers for you. Vegas makes one more lap into her puppy pen to clean up any possible gruel that may have made it on to one of her babies or possibly be left in the bottom of the bowl - sorry again baby girl, they are all little piggies. Out everyone goes to do their business and I grab my first cup of coffee. As my coffee is getting cold from not drinking it right away, I am topping off Kenya's pups with the bottle. They did not get enough from mom this morning and after sleeping all night they are pretty hungry. I warmed up my coffee in between getting another bottle so sitting her now enjoying my coffee feels like a luxury.
Kenya is pretty sick of feeding her pups, I want to hold off a couple more days to put them on mush, but I will have to make that call when she really tells me she is done. The big puppies are now sleeping out the in the living room full time and they are loving their new area. They are using the poop box more and more and this morning after they ate, I watched them all make their way over to it. Some made it inside to do their business and others made it to the edge, I guess they felt that if their head was over the lip that they were doing it in the box. LOL! I think today I am going to work on setting up the little pups living room area next to the big pups and will start to introduce them in short spurts as I did the big guys and see how they do.
Larena is coming this afternoon so we can take 3 and 4 week old pictures. Just warning you the big puppies are what I call crunchy right now - in other words mush all over them which turns crunchy. No reason to give them a bath until they can eat without wearing their food, I will wash them with a washcloth before we do pictures, but they are still going to be crunchy.
today's picture is purple girl
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