It is amazing to watch these puppies change from day to day and I swear it is better entertainment than any TV show. It's almost like you can put words into their mouths with the movement and grunting they do.
Blue boy grumbles when anyone touches him after he has fallen asleep as if to say "I am asleep leave me alone" Orange boy is always the last one to settle down and acts like the toddler that is so tired they cannot stand themselves and trying to convince themselves they are not tired. Little Pink Girl is the feisty one and will instigate play. Larena and I are just having so much fun watching them interact with each other. Orange boy has some teeth starting to poke through so I am sure it isn't going to be long before mom is going to be wanting more help feeding them. Usually I don't start them on gruel until a little over three weeks and I had planned on next weekend starting them, we will see how Vegas fares and if I need to start earlier.
Kenya's babies are really starting to change by leaps and bounds too, they definitely know when she is in the whelping box with them and the frenzy starts, their eyes should start opening in the next few days. Little Lady Bug has figured out how to get to the back teat and hang on for dear life, she isn't going to let the bigger puppies knock her off. She is still the smallest weighing 1 pound 5 ounces last night and Grey boy and Yellow Girl are the largest hitting the two point mark last night.
Mint girl is getting stronger and can pretty much right herself with a lot of screaming and belly aching each time she turtles herself. Interestingly enough if she finds herself off the heating pad and by herself she belly aches about it and one of the other puppies makes their way to her to keep her company. I find that pretty amazing since they cannot hear or see yet, so for this to be happening surely is brotherly love.
My dad and Chaz came by last night.. Chaz is my developmentally disabled brother and he adores the puppies. He likes to get into the whelping boxes and puppies just seem to know he is a good person and climb all over him. Last night I think I counted 5 of Vegas' puppies in his lap at a given time and he cannot wait for Kenya's puppies eyes to open so he can get in that whelping box with them. I asked him last night what was he going to do when they were all together and climbing all over him? His answer was Love It.
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