No Pictures for You - not really, just delayed! Yesterday there just wasn't enough time in the day. Part of that is probably the 2 1/2 hour nap that we each took and the fact that I needed to go get dog food since the girls are eating me out of house and home.
After that, since it is the last Thursday that Larena will be here at the house, she encouraged me to take Dallas to his evening Nose Work class which he was super excited about and totally rocked it. Even found an extra hide that hadn't been picked up from a previous class, which was super awesome since he refused to leave until I paid him a cookie for finding the hide. Considering he has missed three weeks of class, I think he was going to make up for it any way he could.
Kenya was beyond mad when I left with Dallas. She likes Nose Work classes too and she refused to eat her dinner until Tigger (Larena's cat) threatened to eat it for her, then she decided she had better eat. Soon enough, sweetheart, soon enough you will get to go back to class too. Every dog in class had to smell me from one end to the other, because I smelled like puppies. I had put a change of clothes and clean shoes in the RV so that I wouldn't bring anything back into the house from being at the training center.
I am super careful about not bringing anything into the house when I have puppies. When people come to visit, they need to be wearing clean clothes that have not been around other dogs and all shoes must be taken off outside on the front porch. Hands washed before ever coming in contact with the puppies. If it's warmer and they are outside then I tell folks to wear older clothes that you don't mind if you get a bleach solution on, because I will be spraying the bottom of your shoes with a bleach solution. I have heard horror stories about people losing entire litters because a visitor brought in parvo on the bottom of their shoes. So better safe than sorry.
Kenya's puppies are doing the puppy frenzy when she comes into the box, almost everyone's eyes are open now except for lady bug and I expect hers will open tomorrow. Mint girl is definitely improving on antibiotics and I am hopeful that will continue to happen. Today I watched her actually go in a somewhat straight line to mom and she was able to latch on and nurse without falling off, that in itself is a major thing.
Vegas puppies are just growing like weeds. They have teeth now, lots and lots of teeth. When I was weighing them yesterday, I was trying really hard to get them to stop moving so I let them suck on my finger and you can feel front and back molars coming in. I am going to start them on puppy gruel Saturday afternoon I think. I have to go to a funeral on Saturday and would prefer to do it in the morning, but don't want to leave Larena with the mess, so we will do it when I get back.
Larena kept hearing Vegas puppies yelp out and couldn't figure out what was going on. Finally she was watching when it happened. A puppy will be sound asleep and another puppy will start chewing on an ear or a leg or a tail and actually chomp down, causing the sleeping puppy to cry out. They really do this after we have supplemented with a bottle. You feed one, put it back in the box and the others can smell the milk - like hey, where did you get that, I want some, they are just getting so cute.
We will get pictures done today, I promise, still might be a nap involved and I will have to go into the office for a little bit, but we will manage to do pictures at some point today
Puppy picture of the day was Pink Girl falling asleep on the pig rail.
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