Tuesday, December 3, 2019


I swear these pups are changing by the day - Orange boy has teeth poking through on the top and a few others are starting to poke through as well.  They are getting more and more active and playing, tails are starting to wag when they see me and I am now taking bets on who is going to be the first one out of the whelping box, my top three will be White, Pink or Green

This is the second whelping box that my dad threw together for me, so I don't have the boards yet to put into the opening as the puppies get bigger.  I told my dad yesterday that we need those and soon as I expect we will have an escapee in the next couple of days.

Larena had to go meet up with her next pet sitting gig yesterday - I am going to be so sad to see her leave on Sunday and my 28 year old son came to watch the pups so I could go into the office and at least pretend like I am still interested in what is going on.  My staff was very happy to see me and it was good to get out of the house for a few hours. 

I had to laugh at John when I got home, he meets me at the door - "They are all porkers - Man can they chow down and inhale the food"  "Mom, you do realize how big these puppies are, they are not going to stay in that whelping box for long, do you have a plan for moving them to the living room?  I think he thought it would be a cake walk to sit and watch puppies for a few hours, Haha!  Now he knows how poor Vegas feels.  I know when I top them off with a bottle they can suck down two ounces of food in nothing flat, makes me wonder how much they are taking from mom.  Poor girl is getting fed 4 times a day now and we just keep piling on the food.  I am constantly checking her weight and we keep increasing her food intake.  I will have to take a picture of one of her meals, it is a smorgasbord of anything and everything I can throw at her and she just inhales it all.

Yesterday in my stupor, I managed to knock over the little pups formula - Some of it splattered onto Vegas, all of it on the floor and cabinets, what a sticky mess that was.  Vegas had a look of what the hell - why did you throw that at me.  Then she realized what it was that had landed on the floor and she was on it.  I guess that is one way to get the kitchen floor mopped but it certainly wasn't what I had intended for that formula.

The Little pups are also growing by leaps and bounds and when they smell mom, the frenzy is real.  All of them except Mint and Lady Bug are over two pounds now and the two little ones are not far behind.  I keep expecting to start to see eyeballs and thinking any day now that should be happening.    Poor Larena was beside herself when she woke me tonight as Kenya had managed to lay down on top of Mint and she was so worried about her, but she doesn't look any worse for wear to me this morning.

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